Abseiling Sipi Falls / Rappelling Experience

Abseiling Sipi Falls is one of the most thrilling activities done around Sipi Falls. If you’re looking for a fun and unforgettable experience, it should be on your bucket list. It doesn’t require any prior experience, and you can do it alone or with your friends.

Sipi Falls has three waterfalls. Abseiling is done right by the third/main waterfall and involves descending a 100-meter vertical cliff using a rope. The descent is controlled by sliding down a rope while friction is exerted on the abseil rope through a smooth metal device and figure of eight.

A qualified team of professionals who are passionate about their job and well-trained in abseiling and safety measures manages the activity. Since client safety is a priority, the skilled guides use proper safety equipment to ensure your well-being as you abseil.

The process involves three major activities.

Abseiling Sipi Falls

Briefing and wearing of safety gear

Upon arrival at the location, the instructors brief you on abseiling Sipi Falls and what it entails. If you think you’re up for the thrilling adventure, you put on the appropriate safety gear provided by the instructors and prepare yourself for the drop. The team is experienced enough to help nervous clients conquer their fears.

The drop/abseiling Sipi Falls cliff

You’re then lowered down the 100-meter rock. You’ll hear the defending roar of the falling water as you descend. During the drop, you’re free to do some fun stunts, pose for photos, or just hang in the air and enjoy the exhilarating moments.

Experienced clients can choose whether to abseil by themselves or with the help of instructors.  They can choose to drop themselves down for a more exhilarating experience, but first-timers are lowered down slowly until they reach the bottom. This Sipi Falls abseiling activity takes about ten to twenty minutes, depending on the client’s wish.

The team also takes photos and videos of you from different angles. The view from the top is stunning, giving photos a backdrop of lush greenery, dark rock, and brilliant white water. What’s a trip without beautiful photos?

Abseiling Sipi Falls

Return to the top


Some members of the instruction team will receive you at the bottom of the cliff. After landing safely, rest to cool down and take in the surrounding scenery before embarking on the return journey. If you feel strong enough, you can hike up the hill, using either of two fairly steep routes. If you can’t manage the climb, you’ll walk towards a feeder road and get picked up by a vehicle.


Some of the best things about Sipi are the steep hills and rocks, so hiking up the cliff is a better option for adrenaline-rush seekers because it will definitely get your heart racing. Abseiling Sipi Falls takes a short time which makes it easy to incorporate into your Sipi Falls Tour/Trek.


Contact our team to book your trip to Sipi now.

Abseiling Sipi Falls
Abseiling Sipi Falls
Abseiling Sipi Falls






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